Friday, July 26, 2019

August Classic Film Offerings in Greater Boston

If you want to get your fill of Howard Hawks films, you won't be disappointed if you live in Greater Boston. Same if you want to revisit 1969. The offerings are plentiful--get out and support your local cinema!
Images from IMDb: Clockwise from upper left:
Gentleman Prefer Blondes, Rio Bravo, The Sting, Woman in the Window
Calendar of Films -- check cinema websites (linked below calendar) for screening times*
Aug 1:          Midnight Cowboy (Schlesinger, 1969) Coolidge Theatre, Brookline
Aug 2:          El Dorado, (Hawks, 1967), Harvard Film Archive
Aug 3:          Woman in the Moon (Lang, 1929), Harvard Film Archive
Aug 4:          Red River, (Hawks, 1948), Harvard Film Archive
Aug 5:          Laura  (Preminger, 1944), Brattle Theatre
Aug 5:          Man's Favorite Sport? (Hawks, 1964), Harvard Film Archive
Aug 6:          The Sting (Hill, 1973), The Strand, Clinton
Aug 8:          Easy Rider, (Hopper, 1969) Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline
Aug 9:          Europe '51 (Rosselini, 1952) & La Strada (Fellini, 1954) double feature Brattle Theatre
Aug 9:          The Big Sky (Hawks, 1952), Harvard Film Archive
Aug 10:        Rio Bravo (Hawks, 1959), Harvard Film Archive
Aug 11         Hello, Dolly! (Kelly, 1969) Regal Fenway, AMC Assembly Row, AMC Framingham
Aug 11:        Red River (Hawks, 1948), Harvard Film Archive
Aug 12:        Gentleman Prefer Blondes (Hawks, 1953)  Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline
Aug 12:        Sergeant York, (Hawks, 1941), Harvard Film Archive
Aug 13         Phantom Lady (Siodmak, 1944) & Ministry of Fear (Lang, 1944), Brattle Theatre
Aug 14:        Hello, Dolly! (Kelly, 1969) Regal Fenway, AMC Assembly Row, AMC Framingham
Aug 15:        Woodstock, (Wadleigh, 1970) Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline
Aug 16-18    Olivia (D. Aubry, 1951), Brattle Theatre
Aug 16:        Rio Lobo, (Hawks, 1970) & The Road to Glory, (Hawks, 1936), Harvard Film Archive
Aug 17:        A Song is Born, (Hawks, 1948) & O. Henry's Full House (Hawks, 1952), Harvard F.A.
Aug 18:        Come and Get It, (Hawks, 1936) & Barbary Coast, (Hawks, 1935), Harvard F.A.
Aug 19:        Woman in the Window (Lang, 1944) & Mask of Dimitrios (Negulesco, 1944) Brattle
Aug 19:        The Crowd Roars (Hawks, 1932), Harvard Film Archive
Aug 21:        California Split (Altman, 1974), Somerville Theatre
Aug 22:        Medium Cool, (Wexler, 1969) Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline
Aug 23:        The Man Who Knew Too Much (Hitchcock, 1956), Brattle Theatre
Aug 23:        Red Line 7000, (Hawks, 1965), Harvard Film Archive
Aug 24:        Calamity Jane (Butler,1953) & Young Man With a Horn (Curtiz, 1950) Brattle Theatre
Aug 25:        Pillow Talk (Gordon, 1959) Brattle Theatre
Aug 26:        The Uninvited (Allen, 1944) & Curse of the Cat People (Fritsch, 1944), Brattle Theatre
Aug 26:        Grease (Kleiser, 1978), The Strand, Clinton
Aug 27:        To Have and To Have Not (Hawks, 1944), Brattle Theatre
Aug 28:        MASH (Altman, 1970), Somerville Theatre
Aug 30:        Monkey Business (Hawks, 1952) & His Girl Friday (Hawks, 1940) Harvard F.A.
Aug 31-Sept 1: All night movie marathon at HFA. Films with themes of 'danger on the high seas!'

September 23rd sneak peek: Underworld (von Sternberg, 1927) at Coolidge with Alloy Orchestra!!

*Disclaimer: With lists like these it is difficult to be 100% comprehensive! Please forgive any omissions.

Cinema Websites:
Harvard Film Archive, Cambridge, MA
Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline, MA
Brattle Theatre, Cambridge, MA
Somerville Theatre, Somerville MA
Strand Theatre, Clinton MA


  1. I have seen Woman on the Moon and The Sting on the big screen, but I have a feeling I'll not have truly lived until I see many of the others the same way. Sigh.

    1. It’s a bit overwhelming! I would love to see all of these, but hope for PILLOW TALK, EASY RIDER and THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH—none of which I’ve seen on any screen! Thanks for reading 🙂

  2. Thanks! This is a terrific list and I look for more.
    Taxi Driver is playing in Revere at Showcase Cinema on 8/25, too

    1. Good to know! I know the multiplexes do occasionally show classics but I don’t check them too often. Thanks for stopping by!
